
Prefooter in Toledo-Sylvania

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What Residents & Families Are Saying

Luxury, Connection, & Wellness

Relax, meet new friends, and focus on living life to the fullest. Enrich your life at The Crescent.

World-Class Dining

Savor the flavor in delicious culinary experiences, crafted daily with the help of our esteemed executive chef.


“Don’t Miss” Events

Stay active and engaged with a full calendar of events, from fitness classes to guest speakers and social gatherings.


Enriching Amenities

Relax with our tranquil outdoor patio, fireplaces, and stunning common areas—all enveloped by beautiful natural lighting.


Live the Life

Enjoy Your Independence with Luxurious,
All-Inclusive Living

Reach Out to Us

Find us alongside our sister communities, Oakleaf Village of Toledo-Sylvania and The Grove at Oakleaf Village of Sylvania.

Our Address

  • 4230 N Holland-Sylvania Rd.
  • Sylvania, OH 43623

Contact Information

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